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Plasmapheresis. New Service at ''Nairi'' Medical Center

08 December 2021 | News | Therapy

"Nairi" medical center has a medical plasmapheresis service, which is performed on the outpatient basis. Plasmapheresis is a modern, indisputable method of treating many diseases, based on the rapid removal of metabolic products, various toxins, allergens and other pathological compounds from the blood. The event is carried out with the help of the latest generation machine of Fresenius company, which ensures maximum safety for the patients. Therapeutic plasmapheresis prevents the possible complications of a number of diseases as well as their transition to a chronic nature. The effectiveness of the treatment is observed after 15-20 days.

The indications for the plasmapheresis are:

  • Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma)
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, furunculosis, "problematic skin")
  • Arthritis of various origins
  • Nervous system diseases (polyneuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, post - viral neuritis, myasthenia gravis)
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (hepatitis of various origins, cholecystitis)
  • Cardiovascular diseases (rheumatism, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia)
  • Endocrine diseases and  Metabolic disorders (autoimmune thyroiditis, Diabetes Mellitus)
  • Lipid metabolism disorders
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis
  • Acute and chronic poisonings (toxicomania, tobacco addiction, food poisoning)
  • Drug addiction and  alcoholism ( by removing consequences of alcohol breakdown, drugs, psychotropic substances, toxins, peroxidized substances from the body,  plasmapheresis reduces their toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, spleen, increases  body's resistance to external stimuli, reduces the duration of inpatient treatment of the patient, repairs immunological disorders, stimulates metabolism and the  immune system, improves microcirculation in tissues and oxygen metabolism.
  • Allergic conditions (atopic dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, bronchial asthma, vasomotor rhinitis, food intolerance)
  • Urogenital infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, herpes, cytomegalovirus)
  • Menopausal syndrome
  • Toxicity during pregnancy, HLA incompatibility, Rhesus conflict, Antiphospholipid syndrome, Preparation for insemination or in vitro fertilization
  • After some conditions  like  burns, severe injuries, alcohol poisonings, chemotherapy,  prolonged  antimicrobial treatment
  • To avoid the consequences of chemotherapy and radiation treatment
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Septic conditions
  • Goodpasture syndrome (systemic inflammation of the capillaries with lung and kidney affection)
  • intravascular specious coagulation syndrome

It must be taken into account that one treatment session is not enough and should be performed at least three times, because:

  • The first stage is designed to remove toxins that are freely circulating in the blood
  • The second session removes toxins "hanging" in the intercellular fluid,
  • The third session ensures the removal of the harmful substances directly from the cells.

Plasmapheresis is performed after the consultation with a specialist, under the supervision of the physician who monitors the patient during the procedure.

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