Intestinal obstruction
26 May 2020 |News | Gastroenterologist
Intestinal obstruction is a syndrome characterized by mechanical or functional obstruction of the intestines which fully or partly prevents the normal movement of the products of digestion through gastrointestinal tract.
Risk Factors
The Risk group includes the patients who have the following diseases
- congenital anomalies of intestine
- Peritoneal adhesion in abdominal cavity
- Hernias, tumors in the anterior abdominal wall
- Internal hernia
- Different conditions leading to intestinal paresis
Acute abdominal pain accompanied by constipation and absence of passage of flatus .Distention of the abdomen, asymmetrical abdomen with further vomiting and dehydration.
Realized based on typical clinical picture and the results of X-ray examination.
Normally, the inpatient treatment is realized, since the patient’s condition requires constant surgeon control.
In case if the inpatient treatment is inefficient, surgical intervention should be performed. Further control The patient should be under the control of a general practitioner, gastroenterologist and surgeon.
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