Doctor neurologist, Nairi Medical Center, Yerevan, RA, 2009-2016 Head of the Department angioneurology, Nairi Medical Center, Yerevan, RA, 2002-2008 Hospital 4th Main Directorate Head of the Department neurology, Yerevan, RA, 1984-2001 Doctor neurologist, The Algerian National Democratic Republic, Algeria, 1980-1983 Doctor neurologist, Hospital 4th Main Directorate, Yerevan, RA, 1972-1980 |
Angioneurology, Yerevan State Medical Institute, Yerevan, RA, 2013 Onconeurologist, Institute by name Palenova, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1995 Central Kremlin clinic of vascular pathology, Moscow, Russia, 1993 Burdenko Institute of evoked potentials-onconeurology, Sankt Peterburg, Russia, 1986 Neurology the Department of State Institute of Advanced Medical, 1985 Institute of Advanced Medical- 6-month cycle in French, Sankt Peterburg, Russia, 1980 Abstracts of scientific conference and congress Neurological Society Neuroinfections - clinic, complication, treatment, 1995 Abstracts of scientific conference and congress Neurological Society. Comprehensive treatment of radiculopathy with fiziotarapiey, 1977 |