The second course of ''Caucasus School of Thyroid Gland'' took place
19 December 2019 | News | Head and neck surgery | Head and neck tumors | Aram G. Badalyan
The 2nd international educational course of "Caucasus Thyroid School" was held in Yerevan on December 14 and 15. The training was organized by the "Armenian Anticancer League" public organization in cooperation with "Erebuni" and "Nairi" medical centers. Armenian and Russian leading specialists of thyroid gland diseases delivered lectures during the training.
MD, PhD, Head of the’’ Head and Neck Surgery’’ Service of ‘’Nairi’’ Medical Center Aram Badalyan talked about the purpose and role of the event.
"Caucasus Thyroid School" is one of our annual events. It is a platform where specialists discuss thyroid diseases and all possible ways of their prevention. This event targets to unite specialists from all regions of Armenia who work in remote regions, villages and do not have chance to go abroad or have no other source of information - educating them through the exchange of experience.
It should be noted that Armenia has taken a serious step towards the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases by opening a Radioisotope Diagnostic Center in accordance with European standards at ‘’Erebuni’’ Medical Center. It is one of the best in the region today and is a great guarantee for final treatment of diseases.
Both Armenian and Russian leading thyroid specialists gave lectures during the program.
We talked about the role of similar schools fighting against thyroid disease with Vladimir Vanushko, PhD, Chief Researcher of the Endocrine Surgery Department of the Endocrinology Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
"There is a number of international associations in the world that regularly study all the methods by which the thyroid gland can be treated. When observing the researches of the American or European technology associations, it turns out that the researches definitely differ from each other. We need to realize the importance of those researches, study their experience and develop our own strategy plan based on them. That is why I give the importance of such events.
As medicine develops very fast it is necessary to provide the latest news and information to specialists as soon as possible. In addition, the school allows to interpret the problem and the topic comprehensively, to consider all possible solutions and choose the best one.”
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