
The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre (BWSCC) is the lead centre for delivery of non-surgical cancer care for the West of Scotland, serving a population of 2.8 million and has clinical links with 16 hospitals in five health boards. An internationally known teaching centre, the BWSCC incorporates the academic units of Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Neuro-Oncology, Haematology and Palliative Care of the University of Glasgow.
The BWSCC is Scotland's largest cancer centre, and the second largest in the UK. Each year, the centre sees more than 8,000 new patients, delivers more than 15,000 courses of chemotherapy and administers over 6,500 courses of radiotherapy. Its equipment is amongst the best in Europe with 11 linear accelerators and a PET-CT. The centre has an international reputation in the field of cancer research and is equipped with a state-of-the-art clinical research unit (CRU), a clinical trials unit (CTU) and an analytical services unit (ASU).

Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement
Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement is the only hospital in Finland that specializes fully in joint replacement surgery. They employ 200 of best professionals in the field. They perform over 3,500 joint replacements every year. Coxa is world-class in patient safety. Coxa is the leading national hospital for re-operations, which require specialized expertise and sufficient experience. Coxa also has the expertise to treat patients with tumors and infections.
Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement is committed to providing the best possible care for its patients and quickly restoring their functional ability and quality of life. They offer patients a chance to rediscover the joy of motion thanks to the individual, researched-based and exceptionally provided care.

Asklepios Klinik Harburg
Asklepios Klinik Harburg is an academic teaching hospital of Universitätsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.
The newly completed main building contains a state of the art emergency department, as well as ultramodern central intensive care units.
The dedicated professionals at Asklepios Klinikum Harburg are passionate about caring for the patients. The patient centered approach means we’ll give to the patients all the information they need to help them play and active part in any decision making. The patients are treated in an environment where the comfort, privacy and dignity are respected.
For patients with certain complex tumor diseases there is a new treatment offer - the outpatient specialty medical care (ASV).
The treatment is provided by interdisciplinary teams - so-called ASV teams - in which established physicians and hospital doctors work closely together. Medical care within the ASV team guarantees a particularly high quality of care.

Research Institute of Eye Disease
The Federal State Budgetary Research Organization “Research Institute of Eye Disease” (FSBRF “RIED”) was based in 1973.
Educational activity of the institute includes the fundamental biomedical research, development of new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of various eye diseases, training manuals, teaching and training of ophthalmologists.
The task of the institute includes the use and share of the most effective technologies in the clinical practice. Institute is constantly gaining contemporary equipments, innovative medicine and materials, allowing for realizing the scientific and clinical tasks in accordance to the world standards. The Research Institute of Eye Disease enrolls about 180 patients. The institute includes 11 high-tech equipped eye surgery and microsurgery rooms.

Siemens Healthcare
In 21 and 22 July under the initiative of Professor Harutyun Kushkyan the vice president of Siemens Healthineers Wolfgang Koppl has visited Nairi and Erebouni medical centers.
The cooperation program in the areas of diagnostic medicine, research and education, as well as the implementation of advanced modern medical equipment from Siemens in medical centers Nairi and Erebouni has been discussed.

The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre (BWSCC) is the lead centre for delivery of non-surgical cancer care for the West of Scotland, serving a population of 2.8 million and has clinical links with 16 hospitals in five health boards. An internationally known teaching centre, the BWSCC incorporates the academic units of Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Neuro-Oncology, Haematology and Palliative Care of the University of Glasgow.
The BWSCC is Scotland's largest cancer centre, and the second largest in the UK. Each year, the centre sees more than 8,000 new patients, delivers more than 15,000 courses of chemotherapy and administers over 6,500 courses of radiotherapy. Its equipment is amongst the best in Europe with 11 linear accelerators and a PET-CT. The centre has an international reputation in the field of cancer research and is equipped with a state-of-the-art clinical research unit (CRU), a clinical trials unit (CTU) and an analytical services unit (ASU).

Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement
Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement is the only hospital in Finland that specializes fully in joint replacement surgery. They employ 200 of best professionals in the field. They perform over 3,500 joint replacements every year. Coxa is world-class in patient safety. Coxa is the leading national hospital for re-operations, which require specialized expertise and sufficient experience. Coxa also has the expertise to treat patients with tumors and infections.
Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement is committed to providing the best possible care for its patients and quickly restoring their functional ability and quality of life. They offer patients a chance to rediscover the joy of motion thanks to the individual, researched-based and exceptionally provided care.

Asklepios Klinik Harburg
Asklepios Klinik Harburg is an academic teaching hospital of Universitätsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.
The newly completed main building contains a state of the art emergency department, as well as ultramodern central intensive care units.
The dedicated professionals at Asklepios Klinikum Harburg are passionate about caring for the patients. The patient centered approach means we’ll give to the patients all the information they need to help them play and active part in any decision making. The patients are treated in an environment where the comfort, privacy and dignity are respected.
For patients with certain complex tumor diseases there is a new treatment offer - the outpatient specialty medical care (ASV).
The treatment is provided by interdisciplinary teams - so-called ASV teams - in which established physicians and hospital doctors work closely together. Medical care within the ASV team guarantees a particularly high quality of care.

Research Institute of Eye Disease
The Federal State Budgetary Research Organization “Research Institute of Eye Disease” (FSBRF “RIED”) was based in 1973.
Educational activity of the institute includes the fundamental biomedical research, development of new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of various eye diseases, training manuals, teaching and training of ophthalmologists.
The task of the institute includes the use and share of the most effective technologies in the clinical practice. Institute is constantly gaining contemporary equipments, innovative medicine and materials, allowing for realizing the scientific and clinical tasks in accordance to the world standards. The Research Institute of Eye Disease enrolls about 180 patients. The institute includes 11 high-tech equipped eye surgery and microsurgery rooms.

Siemens Healthcare
In 21 and 22 July under the initiative of Professor Harutyun Kushkyan the vice president of Siemens Healthineers Wolfgang Koppl has visited Nairi and Erebouni medical centers.
The cooperation program in the areas of diagnostic medicine, research and education, as well as the implementation of advanced modern medical equipment from Siemens in medical centers Nairi and Erebouni has been discussed.
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