Clinical case. The neglected benign tumor had turned into a malignant tumor
25 September 2021 | News | Head and neck surgery | Head and neck tumors | Aram G. Badalyan
A 66-year-old woman, an actress by profession, had applied to "Nairi" MC, complaining of a large growth in her ear, about 4 cm. During the last five years the growth has grown slowly, but during the last 2 months it has started to grow intensively.
Before applying to "Nairi" MC, the patient was diagnosed with adenoma of the parotid gland. Magnetic resonance imaging of the salivary gland was performed at Nairi Medical Center. A solid puncture biopsy was performed, and as a result, a tumor, salivary adenocarcinoma, was diagnosed. This is one of the classic cases of how a benign tumor can turn into a malignant tumor as a result of years of neglect or treatment.
Because the tumor was large and very close to the facial nerve (the facial nerve innervates all the facial muscles), complete removal was performed.
Under the microscope, the facial nerve was completely preserved. Within two or three months, all the muscles of the face were restored, both functionally and aesthetically, which allowed our patient to continue his professional activity.
Tumors of the salivary glands, which have a tendency to grow, must undergo surgery, otherwise malignant growths may be developed inside them.
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