When to apply to Dermatologist? Dermatologist of ''Nairi'' MC Ruzanna Mkhoyan explains
20 August 2020 | News | Dermatology and Cosmetology | Therapy | Ruzanna S. Mkhoyan
The skin - the cover of the body, is the largest organ of the human body, which is exposed to various environmental factors. The skin is also considered the "mirror of the body" because skin rash may indicate problems connected with internal organs.
Skin rashes can be of inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature, manifested by skin color changes, desquamation, with the formation of nodules, abscess and other elements on the skin.
Skin rashes may be accompanied by subjective symptoms such as itching, pain, tension, etc.
Hair, nails, sebaceous and perspiratory glands are skin appendages, that are also affected by the factors of the external environment and disorders of internal organs.
There are skin diseases in which the primary symptoms are expressed in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
The visit to the dermatologist should not be delayed in case of the above-mentioned problems, as with the correct diagnosis of the skin pathology it is possible to prevent or detect diseases of the internal organs at early stages.
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