The service performs diagnosis and treatment of chronic cerebral and acute blood circulation disorders, various central-peripheral diseases of the nervous system, inflammatory, autoimmune, of post-traumatic genesis, movement disorders, minimally invasive surgery for various diseases of the brain and spinal cord.
The center is distinguished for providing the following services
In case of congenital, tumor or trauma of the spine - fixation surgeries (using titanium implants - bone cements), percutaneous chordotomy, vertebroplasty - bone cement, surgery - ablation - removal of the tumor - ablation - removal of the wound - removal exceeds 5-6 days.
In the case of small hernias of the intervertebral cartilage of the lumbosacral region of the spine, burning of the latter with Cosman RF (high frequency electro-radiofrequency system) technology (ablation) under the control of CT.
In case of various pain syndromes (trigeminal neuralgia, spondyloarthritis), denervation of the sensory branches of the affected spinal joints by Cosman RF technology.
Spine stimulation of patients suffering from persistent pain syndrom;
Surgical treatment of congenital neoplasms of the brain with the help of MEDTRONIC company STEALTHSTATION STEALTHSTATION neuronavigation system, INTEGRA company's intraoperative ultrasound destroyer, minimizing the possibility of possible complications;
Endoscopic removal of pituitary adenoma with transnasal entry;
Surgical treatment of craniocerebral injuries և hemorrhagic strokes;
Surgical treatment of epilepsy unresponsive to medication treatment;
Neuronavigation-controlled biopsy for various brain disorders.
"Nairi" MC Center of Neurosurgery and Neurology provides high quality physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment services.
Computer-controlled underwater traction
radio and electrical stimulation aimed at restoring nerve function;
radio և electrical stimulation aimed at restoring nerve function;