Clinical case. Successful surgery of rheumatoid polyarthritis
27 May 2020 | News | Orthopedics and Traumatology, "Coxa" Clinic
A young patient with active polyarthritis of the bilateral hip joints, complicated by ankyloses and severe pain syndrome applied to Nairi MC. He complained of severe pain, occurring especially at night. He couldn’t even walk and he was in a wheelchair during his first visit. The surgical risks of rheumatoid polyarthritis were explained to the patient. It was decided to perform an operation.
The surgery was success. The patient started walking. The patient had no or mild pain. About a month later the patient was able to walk without walking frame. The second surgery was performed 2 months later. On removing the sutures 2 weeks after the second surgery the patients pain syndrome level was about 0.
The result was unprecedented, as the patient with aggressive rheumatoid polyarthritis, confined to wheelchairs was able to visit the doctor just with a walking stick 4 months later, without pains and smiling.
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